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The exploit that enabled the rapid spread of WannaCry, known as, is still threatening unpatched and unprotected systems, according to telemetry data from security firm Eset. The company’s researchers warn that EternalBlue’s popularity has been growing over the past few months, and a spike in April 2018 even surpassed the greatest peaks from 2017. The Eset data shows that EternalBlue had a calmer period immediately after the 2017 WannaCry campaign, with attempts to use the EternalBlue exploit dropping to “only” hundreds of detections daily.

Since September last year, however, the use of the exploit has slowly started to gain pace again, continually growing and reaching new heights in mid-April 2018. Vista explosionada en dibujo solidworks 2018 keygen. The EternalBlue exploit targets a vulnerability in an of Microsoft’s implementation of the (SMB) protocol, via port 445, and gave WannaCry its -like ability to spread across networks. In an attack, cyber criminals and other threat actors scan the internet for exposed SMB ports, and if found, launch the exploit code and malware payload of choice.

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According to security researchers, have been an “unmitigated” success for malware writers, with EternalBlue being a key component of destructive global. It was used by the (aka APT28, Fancy Bear and Sofacy) cyber espionage group. The exploit has also been identified as one of the spreading mechanisms for. More recently, it was deployed to distribute the campaign, described only a few days after Eset’s telemetry detected the mid-April 2018 EternalBlue peak.

The EternalBlue exploit was allegedly stolen from the (NSA) probably in 2016 and leaked online on April 14, 2017 by a group dubbed Shadow Brokers. “Microsoft issued updates that fixed the SMB vulnerability on 14 March 2017, but to this day, there are many unpatched machines in the wild,” said Ondrej Kubovič, security evangelist at Eset. “This exploit and all the attacks it has enabled so far highlight the, as well as the need for a reliable and multi-layered security solution that can block the underlying malicious tool,” he said in a. UK businesses struggling with patching Another study has revealed that UK firms are still struggling to take action a year after WannaCry, with 40% of 500 IT security workers polled saying their organisation is more exposed than it was a year ago. Just over a third of respondents admitted there was panic immediately after the WannaCry attack, but nothing has changed since, according to the survey by security firm Tanium. The survey also shows only 31% of respondents said their organisation has invested in a new security system since WannaCry, despite their boards claiming to have placed more importance on IT security since the attack. According to the findings, although UK firms responded immediately after the attack, reviewing existing security systems (62%) and redefining the process for reacting to security incidents (38%), businesses are still struggling with basic systems management tasks, such as patching, which are critical to preventing.