Download Office 2000 Premium

MSDN Microsoft Office 2000 Premium SR 1 Disc 1 (Disc 0226) (January 2001). Time is running out: please help the Internet Archive today. We are so close to reaching our goal. The average donation is $45. If everyone chips in $5, we can end this fundraiser today. Right now, a generous supporter will match your donation 2-to-1, so you can.

Almost a year after the release of Office 2000 (see ), Microsoft has finally issued the first service release for the product, imaginatively dubbed Office 2000 Service Release 1 (SR-1). SR-1 includes a number of bug fixes to the popular Office suite, including some previously available fixes. Microsoft recommends that all Office 2000 users update their systems to SR-1 and I agree; the company is even changing the retail Office products to include the SR-1 updates.

And because this upgrade is free and fixes a host of bugs, its a no-brainer. In this review, I take a look at the changes you can expect in Office 2000 SR-1 and, in particular, the experience you're likely to have performing the upgrade. What's new in Office 2000 SR-1 All of the changes in Office 2000 SR-1 fix existing bugs or are designed to make it easier to deploy Office, especially in a Windows 2000 environment. As such, all of the system components in Office are upgraded to Windows 2000 levels in SR-1, including Internet Explorer, which is upgraded to version 5.01 if required.

This isn't a perfect situation, of course: IE 5.01 includes a lame advertisement window in Outlook Express that will bedevil Hotmail users, for example. And because Hotmail support was inexplicably removed from SR-1 during the beta, Hotmail users are going to be stuck with OE or the normal, limited Web-based interface for the foreseeable future. But SR-1 isn't really about overt new features, it's about bug fixes.

Because the list of fixed bugs is so long, I'm providing it via a separate text file if you're interested in some light reading. Virtually all of the Office products are updated in some way, including Access, Excel, FrontPage, the FrontPage Server Extensions, Office Setup and common components, Office Server Extensions, Outlook, PowerPoint, Publisher, and Word. You might be noticing that PhotoDraw is conspicuously absent from that list.

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If you are an existing Office 2000 Premium Edition or PhotoDraw 2000 customer, you can upgrade to the latest version of PhotoDraw, the even more cunningly named PhotoDraw 2000 Version 2, free of charge through May 2000. Crack real life cam maya bathroom. Head on over to the for details. Installing Office 2000 SR-1 So how do you get Office 2000 SR-1?

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If you're an existing Office 2000 customer, you can grab the Internet-based installation program from the. This little wonder works in a manner similar to the Internet Explorer installation programs, though you're not able to specify what components to install; it's an all or nothing proposition. And 'all' is going to cost you unless you're connected with a cable modem: Windows 2000 users are looking at a 26 MB download while other Windows users could face up to 40 MB depending on what version of Internet Explorer you're using. If the thought of a 40 MB download is too terrifying,. And if you haven't yet purchased Office 2000, hold off until May 2000 when a new retail boxed version of the product will ship with SR-1 and PhotoDraw Version 2 included.

You'll be able to tell the new version from the original by checking out the back of the box, which will contain 'new version' text and an explanation of the differences. For the purposes of this review, however, I'm dealing primarily with the downloadable version and since I'm running Windows 2000 across the board, all three of the systems that I upgraded required the 26 MB download. The first step, then, is to obtain the 133 KB installation program, which is available on the Office Update Web site. If you choose the 'Install Now' button in the Office Update Installation Wizard, the install program will download and run automatically. There aren't many choices in the installation program. You're required to accept the terms of the license agreement and are then presented with choices to update Windows or update Office. If you're running Windows 2000, the 'Update Windows' choice will be grayed out because your system components, primarily IE, are already up-to-date.