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A salad is a dish consisting of a mixture of small pieces of food, usually vegetables. However, different varieties of salad may contain virtually any type of ready-to-eat food. Salads are typically served at room temperature or chilled, with notable exceptions such as south German potato salad which is served warm. Garden salads use a base of leafy greens such as lettuce, arugula/rocket.

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Stop loss refers to an order placed in the market to prevent you from incurring losses if price goes against you. When in a long position, a stop loss order is usually placed some distance below the point of entry. And, when in a short position, a stop loss order is usually placed some distance above the point of entry.

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There are various methods you can use to set stops, some of which are equity stop, volatility stop, and chart stop. Equity stop, also referred to as percentage stop, is the most common type of stop and it uses a predetermined fraction of a traders account to compute the distance the stop loss order should be placed from entry. For example, you can be willing to risk 3% of your account in a trade thus, you will use this position size in computing where to place your stop loss order. Volatility stop refers to placing a stop according to the amount a market can potentially move over a given time.

This method ensures the right stop loss leve.