Manuale Paghe Agricoltura Sinergica

Manuale Paghe Agricoltura Sinergica

Calendario Corsi 2015, PDF, Stampa, E-mail. Corsi di Agricoltura Sinergica - Autunno 2015 e 2016 e 'Consulta di Agrologia Sociale' ONLUS propongono corsi pratici, durante i quali i partecipanti realizzeranno un orto sinergico completo. Il mio orto - Spazi VerdiBayer Garden, con il manuale Il mio orto, vuol far Orto biologico e sinergico.

It is a very widespread plant in our area and throughout Italy, spreads easily and is particular because it has flowers of an intense blue color, in the shape of five-pointed star that attract many bees (in fact you can also get a excellent honey). Kawai k4 patch editors guild. The borage or Borago officinalis has many properties, already known in ancient times. It is said that he is able to give back the joy of living, as Pliny the Elder stated in ancient Rome: 'A decoction of borage takes away sadness and gives joy of life'. It is also used as a disinfiammant and for dermatological problems (for example against eczema). Another characteristic is the hair that spreads the broad leaves, in some places it is soft, in others it is less and for this you have to be careful not to get stung! But just cook it so that it disappears.

It is very important to cook it because if eaten raw or for long periods it could create problems, since it contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids. It is also produced an excellent essential oil from the seeds of borage, which among other things does not contain pyrrolizidine alkaloids. This oil is rich in omega 6 and vitamin E, which are important for boosting the immune system and improving the skin. It is vitally important not to confuse the borage with the very poisonous mandrake, not edible, which can even kill a man if he is accidentally eaten because it is exchanged with borage. The leaves may look similar (even if the mandrake has no fuzz), but the flowers do not: the mandrake has larger and lilac-colored flowers. Also they belong to two different families: the borage to that of the Boraginaceae while the mandrake to that of the Solanaceae (the same of tomatoes, potatoes and aubergines for example). Borage is naturally used in the kitchen too: in the filling of the famous Ligurian pansotti or in soups or fried or as an ingredient in omelettes.

So, let's learn to use borage, because it has many beneficial properties for us and for our body, besides being a wonderful plant that you can also easily cultivate in your garden or at home in a vase.