Preguntas Interviewzen Php

Jan 10, 2018. From the popular technical interview website, Learn PHP programming with Interview Questions and Answers and examples. Un problema conceptual que puede definirse con la siguiente pregunta. Results 1 - 100 of 1679. Taken from the popular technical interview website, Learn PHP programming with Interview Questions and Answers and examples. Conceptual que puede definirse con la siguiente pregunta.

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Hi Guys, I recently had an interview where I was provided with a few technical tests. The feedback I got was that I did great with the difficult questions, but a few red flags were raised in regards to some basics. I wanted to put it down to interview nerves but could it actually be a common problem? If it's the case I'm missing some basics, is it possible for me to go back to basics after 6 years of programming in PHP? Just as a reference to the questions I failed on, I didn't know that you could use $array['test'][] = $var to add onto the end of an array. I've always just used array_push().

The other one that I can remember was getting javascript and PHP mixed up and told them '$var = array()' should be '$var = new Array'(facepalm). I also said that using the SQL command line was bad practice(I don't really know why I said this to be honest).

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Has anyone else had experience with either forgetting basic stuff or realising late on that there are gaps in the skills they should have picked up when they started? I'm sure new Array was just the result of high adrenaline. I think programmers freaking out in job interviews is the rule rather than the exception. SQL command line was bad practice If you meant connecting to a production server and running SQL on the CLI then fuck yeah. I'm sure you meant something which made sense, but lost your train of thought as you were phrasing it due to emotions. The array push, on the other hand, I just can't fathom how you never came across that in 6 years of development. You didn't use it yourself, but you must have seen it thousands of times.

Somehow you managed to ignore it and that makes me wonder if maybe you just tend to ignore things you come across and don't understand. If that's the case, I think curiosity is what you need to work on.

Make sure you have a very clear understanding of the code you're looking at, at all times. I'm the same. Probably worse and in multiple languages.

I presume you are self taught? With me, I didn't go ok I'll learn this language and then I'll be able to get a job or say I'm a programmer, I used the language because I needed to solve a specific problem. It's very easy when you want to build a specific thing to focus on pretty advanced stuff and for the basics to seem less important. For the next interview I suggest you run through a code academy (or some other) course from start to finish. I was amazed at the basic stuff I wasn't aware of.

Actually lolled to myself at some of the heath robinson style solutions I programmed in the past because I wasn't aware of some stuff. I've still vast tracts of ignorance but you can't know it all and as long as you are willing to learn ignorance isn't a crime.

I don't think I know anyone who got into programming as a 'career choice'. Computer science/software development tracks at universities are filled with people who chose it as a career choice without having a clue of what it really entails. That's one of the reason for the very high dropout rates in CS. Software development is amoungst the most highly paid job in many countries and very hyped in all those 'top 10 jobs' articles you see floating around the web, so this is a natural consequence of the hype, and some people being like 'Well, I do like sitting at the computer.' However, those who stay and finish the education are of course interested in programming, and from my experience very passionate. So maybe you just don't know about people's motives for getting into programming?