Stl Files In Matlab

This function is used for loading binary STL files. There are already two stlread.m files available on the mathworks file exchange site. Harlev's version reads in.

This function is used for loading binary STL files. There are already two stlread.m files available on the mathworks file exchange site. Harlev's version reads in the data and returns matrices with X/Y/Z formatted vertex data. Johnson's program reads in the data and returns Face/Vertex/Normal matrices. This submission also exports Face/Vertex/Normal matrices, but runs about 30 times faster than Johnson's version and 13 times faster than Harlev's version (which doesn't export face normal data).

This submission will also properly read in color values (if present) and the STL file title. For more info (including timing info) see. Hey @Franzis (or anyone else who can help), I'm trying to use your function. I used the one from Eric Johnson before and it worked. Now both yours and his dont work on my stl files. I reworked some data with stlwrite (),that had over 600.000 points. On Autodesk Meshmixer i reshaped the data and reduced the vertices.Now i have 38679 vertices and 74618 triangles.

Then i exported the stl file. But when i tried to use your programm this error pops up: Error using repmat Requested 73 (289.2GB) array exceeds maximum array size preference. Creation of arrays greater than this limit may take a long time and cause MATLAB to become unresponsive. See array size limit or preference panel for more information.

Algorithm and flowchart to convert celsius to fahrenheit You need the following steps: 1 Subtract 32 from the Fahrenheit temperature. [This is to bring the Fahrenheit freezing point down to zero, to coincide with the Celsius freezing point.].

Error in stlread (line 72) ind = reshape(repmat(50*(0:(numFaces-1)),[48,1]),[1,48*numFaces])+repmat(trilist,[1,numFaces]); Glad for help Vince. Hello, I have a problem with importing an STL graphics file to the Simulink diagram.

I've tried making the model both in UGS NX and SolidWorks but when I import it, the dimensions are multiplied a 1000 times. I think it's because Simulink's default lenght unit is 'm' but every CAD software writes it in 'mm'. As I look-up into the binary file, there's no real information about the units in the STL file so my question is: how do I change the default unit in Matlab or how can I convert the STL file itself to match my requirements. Hi David, I have submitted a new file to the Mathworks file exchange which calculates patch normals using a triangle-area based smoothing method. It will take a while to be approved by the mathworks, so I'll email it to you in the meantime.

I thought that this was an interesting exercise, so I created my own function called 'STLVertexNormals'. The compiled 'Patch Normals' submission you linked to is almost certainly faster (I haven't played around with it), but the code I have submitted is (hopefully) quite readable. Nicelabel 5 download. Cheers, Francis. Hi Francis, First off thank you very much for taking the time to post this function it is very easy to use and does exactly what it says. I just have one question, the function returns a normal matrix and going by the size of it I assume it contains the face normals.

But Matlab uses the Vertex normals when doing lighting calculation for a patch. Apparently it can calculate these normals itself for performing these calculations but this does not seem to be working for me. So I was wondering if you may know how to translate these face normals into vertex normals? So I can force Matlab to use them for lighting. I have looked into adapting this function because he seems to calculate the face normals first then uses them to calculate the vertex normals like i would like to do but have not had any success with it to date. If you have any ideas that may help me this this it would be very appreciated. Either way, thanks again for sharing this function.

Kind regards, David. Hi Antonio, The problem is that you have an acsii STL, not a binary STL. The binary file reader assumes that the first few bytes describe the number of faces. In ascii STL files, the first few bytes will be text instead, and define some arbitrarily large numbers.

If you can export to binary files instead, they will be *much* smaller and load more quickly. If you open the file with wordpad, you can see the ascii text. Try this m-file instead: I have more information about STL files on my personal web site: Please let me know if I can do anything else to help! Cheers, Francis. Dear Antonio, A 55 MB binary STL file is quite large. Each triangle face of your model requires 50 bytes. Since your larger file is 55 MB I'll estimate the number of faces as 1.15 million triangles based on (55*1024*1024)/50.

Line 72 of the program will require about 3 copies of the 1.15 million triangle matrix (with each byte inefficiently stored as 8 bytes- the matlab double precision format). This will take at least 1.32 GB of memory. In addition, you will need another matrix of the same size for the actual data, requiring a total of 1760 MB (I'm probably underestimating), which must be exceeding your system memory limit (what are the specs of the computer are you trying to run this on?).