Transformers Galaxy Force Indo

Transformers: Cybertron, known as Transformers: Galaxy Force (トランスフォーマー ギャラクシーフォース) in Japan, is a cartoon series produced by and ran in the United States in the years 2005-2006, serving as the third and final part of the ' begun by its predecessors,. The series premiered in the United States in July 2005. The story centers on a that threatens to devour and other worlds. Only the power of the can stop it; and a small(?) team of travel to various worlds in search of the lock and the four needed to activate it., even more obsessed with power and godhood, attempts to seize the lock and the keys to boost his own personal power. The series' Japanese counterpart Galaxy Force was confirmed by Inc. In an October 2004 press release to be a continuation from the Energon series, but it was soon clear that this was not the case.

Galaxy Force afterwards was presented as a continuity reboot, willfully ignoring Hasbro's intent for the series. The Cybertron dub and toyline were consistently presented as a sequel to Armada and Energon, and later Japanese materials eventually retconned Galaxy Force back into being the continuation it was conceived as. Include opening ' and ending ', and opening ' with ending ' in the latter half of the run. Preceded by: “ Our worlds are in danger!

Sign in now to see your channels and recommendations! Watch Queue Queue. A description of tropes appearing in Transformers Cybertron. The entire universe is in. Calling Your Attacks: More egregious in Galaxy Force than Cybertron.

To save them and the galaxy we must find the four Cyber Planet Keys before the Decepticons can use them for evil. Keygen wic reset cracked iphone It is our mission. Vector Prime! Optimus Prime! Transform and roll out!

” —Optimus Prime, Cybertron opening credits. Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Storyline When the destruction of results in the formation of a massive black hole, is threatened, and its population is evacuated to, taking the forms of local vehicles and machinery to hide from humanity. As this occurs, 's elite team of warriors are approached by the ancient Transformer, who has emerged from his resting place outside of time to inform them of the legendary, ancient artifacts of power which can stop the black hole and save the universe. Lost due to an accident during an attempt to create a cross-universal network, the Cyber Planet Keys now reside on four worlds somewhere in the universe—unfortunately, Vector Prime's map showing their location is stolen by leader, and both forces relocate to Earth as the race to find them begins. On Earth, in the town of, the Autobots befriend three human children named, and, who aid them in locating the, the control device for the Cyber Planet Keys' power. With new 'Cyber Key Powers' awakened in them, the Transformers battle on many fronts, searching for the Lock on Earth while and head for, the 'Speed Planet', resting place of the first key.

As Hot Shot competes in the planet's grand racing championship to win the key from planet leader, the Lock is located on Earth in the bulk of the crashed Transformer spaceship the. Soon after, Autobot heads for the next world,, where the power of its Cyber Planet Key reformats him into Leobreaker. Megatron ingratiates himself with Jungle Planet ruler, while at the same time, his scheming lieutenant teams up with the mysterious, working towards his own goals. Ultimately, the Autobots succeed in acquiring the Keys of both Velocitron and Jungle Planet, at which point the existence of Earth's own Cyber Planet Key is revealed. Starscream makes his power play and overthrows Megatron, stealing the Omega Lock and all three keys from the Autobots and using them to grow in size and power.

Their forces bolstered by the ancient Autobots from Earth and the arrival of, who combines with Optimus Prime, the Autobots fight their way through a vengeful Megatron and defeat Starscream - but the battle is not without casualties, as Hot Shot, Red Alert and are gravely wounded and rebuilt into the even more powerful. Returning to Cybertron, the Autobots use the Omega Lock and Cyber Planet Keys, which awaken the spirit of their deity and creator, and transform Cybertron itself into the god's body. After a battle in which Starscream taps the power of Primus and grows to planetary size—only to be defeated by Primus himself—the location of the fourth and final key is determined as, the Giant Planet. Bested by Gigantion's leader, Megatron taps into the power of Gigantion's Cyber Planet Key to become Galvatron. Sideways, now joined by the equally mysterious, reveals himself to be an inhabitant of, a world destroyed by the Gigantions, upon whom he and Soundwave seek revenge. Galvatron blasts them and Starscream into another dimension and finally acquires the Lock and Keys for himself, intending to use their power to accelerate the universal degeneration caused by the black hole and remake the cosmos in his own image. Vector Prime sacrifices his life to get the Autobots back to Cybertron, and the five planet leaders confront Galvatron within the black hole and defeat him.